December 2019

Bruxton Group 2019 YIR


Time to reflect on all the things that we did, did not, and wish we could of done. And as I am writing this, a full sense of gratitude has overcome me with just how much I love my team and what we have built.

Let me start by saying that this is our 6th year in existence. In that short stint, we have gone through so many growing pains and pleasures and I will share a few of them here.

Let’s begin.

The start of 2019 was not exactly how we wanted it to go. We had hired a long time friend and talented colleague to join us the year before (and for our agency, each hire is very specific and tedious as we have only hired a few - ever). Come February it was clear that our paths were going in different directions and the partnership we had looked forward to was coming to an end. This was a good chance for us to self reflect on what our core values are and who we want to be in the future.

Now, on that note, we brought in our very first intern over the summer and it was fun. We got to share our knowledge of the industry, work on new projects and hopefully not break his spirit too bad :). If you are looking for a unique and highly talented writer and designer - Harrison Gerard is your man!

This year also brought us into new learning experiences. Cory was interviewed by Voyage LA, our Small Talk Series is growing, we focused our efforts (like all of them) on the DTC and restaurant industries, and continuing to nurture our current partner relationships. As reflection has it, you learn a lot about what and who you are as an agency.

Here are a few (these are not ground breaking, nor are they new, just key points that help us as a business):

  1. Relationships are EVERYTHING. Grow them. Seek the right ones.

  2. The WORK matters just as much. Make it impeccable.

  3. Get out there, get outside. Take (the right) risks. (We felt we were not ready for our first intern, but the opportunity arose and we jumped. It was more than we expected and set the groundwork for future talent).

  4. Read more than you work. Here are some of our favs:  

    1. The Infinite Game   

    2. The Brand Gap   

    3. Run Studio Run   

    4. Make Time: How to focus on what matters every day

  5. Put yourself out there and don’t be afraid to think/act BIG. Seriously. Try it. 

With that said, 2019 was fast and we are so incredibly thankful for bold partners that let creativity reign and shine.

Partners that trust us with their brands.

Trust us with their ideas.

And we are forever thankful for you!

We wish you all a wonderful end to 2019
